About the Yesod Yosef Fund
Yesod Yosef was created in 2004 with goal of establishing a Tzedaka fund where 100% of donations made would go directly to poor families. There would be no fundraiser commissions, salaries or administration fees. Every penny donated (other than what is lost in the withdrawal and exchange to shekalim) is distributed. Since its start B”H we have kept the above, all work was done by volunteers and all external expenses were covered by private donors.
Yesod Yosef tries to lessen the suffering of as many families and individuals as possible. In certain cases Yesod Yosef aims to bring individuals to the point where they no longer need to accept charity. Yesod Yosef tries distributing to worthy families that are often not affiliated with any set community or organizations and are therefore not receiving the assistance that others are.
There are many reasons why families can be poverty stricken in Eretz Yisroel. Certain cities such as Tzfas have a very limited job market. There might be health problems or other obstacles that prevent a person from working. It could be that they do work but their meager salary is not enough to pay the bills and food expenses of their large family.
Decisions regarding distributions and eligibility are made by a panel of three, allowing for debate and additional opinions. Yesod Yosef is an official non profit and all donations are tax deductible.
Visit Us
If you are ever visiting Tzfat, let us know and one of our representatives will be happy to meet you and explain our programs in detail.
Yesod Yosef
Yesod Yosef Programs
Shabbos Distribution
Help provide food for poor families who can not afford even basic Shabbos meals.
Loan Gemach
Your donation constantly recycled to provide small interest free loans.
Holiday Help
Help needy families survive the additional Pesach and Sukot holiday expenses.
Mazel Tov Support
Removing Simchas stress; assisted coverage for births, bar mitzvos & weddings.
Chanuka Gift Drive
Give light to dozens of kids who would otherwise receive no Chanuka gifts.
Crisis Rescue
Monetary rescue during emergency situations and extreme circumstances.
Matanos Levyonim
Charity distributed on Purim day to needy families in Eretz Yisroel with your time zone.
Tuition Scholarships
Fund the monthly Torah education of a child from a struggling family.
Thousand Shekel
Donate with your credit card securely through Paypal. There is no need for an actual Paypal account.

100% of Donations Distributed to the Needy
All Donations are Tax Deductible
Funds Distributed by Panel of Three
Poor of Eretz Yisroel
Prayers for Donors by Kivrei Tzadikim
Yesod Yosef News & Updates

Shabbos Vayikra
Weekly Yesod Yosef Summery B”H Yesod Yosef distributed Shabbos assistance to 18 families. One individual was assisted via the Financial Recovery Program and one Family was helped via the Crisis Rescue Program. Donors were prayed for by the Kever of the Holy Rebbe...

Shabbos Pikuday
Weekly Yesod Yosef Summery B”H Yesod Yosef distributed Shabbos assistance to 17 families. One individual was assisted via the Financial Recovery Program. A Mishna program was brokered for one individual and assistance was provided for one wedding. Donors were prayed...

Shabbos Vaykhel
Weekly Yesod Yosef Summery B”H Yesod Yosef distributed Shabbos assistance to 18 families. One individual was assisted via the Financial Recovery Program. Donors were prayed for by the Kever of the Holy Binayahu Ben Yehoyada, Rebbe Nachum Ish Gamzu, Binyamin Hatzadik,...